關於我們 About Us

Joe Kabbout


Dandy Wang

Marketing Director

Andy Kwan

Sales Director

Our Mission

我們的宗旨: 打造國際水準的企業形象,為您開拓國際市場

Kabbout International collaborates with businesses from various sectors along with professionals throughout numerous fields to assist your company in achieving your desired sales and digital marketing goals by offering customized international marketing packages and remarkable sales representation.

Our team strives to attract the interest of original equipment manufacturers and designer businesses entering the branding phase or who desire to expand their current branding strategies.

Many businesses and organizations mistakenly assume that single, one-time projects are sufficient for brand marketing. Unfortunately, the fact is they are rarely impactful enough to differentiate themselves from the overwhelming number of competitors.

With our revolutionary innovation, vast global network, precision targeting strategies, test-proven methods, worldwide professional team, along with your commitment and determination, we are confident your dreams are closer than you think.


Our Services 我們的服務

Integrated International Marketing Packages 整合國際行銷

我們的服務核心,專精於客製化的行銷與專業的策略方案。產業往往因地域文化和國際談判經驗或是語言而被限制於地域市場。凱博國際則能夠提供最專業的解決方案。 從網頁設計到數位行銷甚至國際策展以及國際通路的發展,我們提供專業且前衛的數位行銷策略,具有信心發展潛在客戶也能確保您的企業品牌在多個國際數位平台上明確的定位行銷,協助宣導企業突破性的成長。

Our primary service is offering professional and customized Marketing Packages. Customers are oftentimes limited to certain markets due to factors such as language, tradition, or other experiences.

Kabbout International is the solution.

From website design to digital marketing, our professional and customized Marketing Packages implement the latest digital strategies to grow your business by creating websites that are focused on converting visitors to leads and integrating marketing campaigns to ensure consistent branding and positioning across all digital platforms.

We assist you in implementing system structure that makes business efficiency or even activating a startup business, well, easy.

Our Competitive Advantages 我們的優勢

A True International Team 一個真正的國際團隊

Here at Kabbout International, our agents and team members are recruited from nearly every conceivable marketplace around the world, including North America, South America, Africa, Europe, Middle Eastern nations, Australia, and, of course, Asia. Here at Kabbout International, Language is no longer a barrier but a cutting-edge advantage.

We are here to assist you by providing professional knowledge and global insights, extending your reach beyond the major markets of the U.S. and China, equipping you with the necessary means to tap into unventured territories, ensuring global influence over market competitors.


The Whole Package

整合行銷與業務服務: 為您省時、省錢、省力 當企業準備邁進國際市場時,所需具備的要件甚多,舉凡行銷、攝影、企劃、網路的經營管理、相關的文書處理、國際業務等,需花費龐大的時間及金錢,從各處網絡尋找人才更是大費周章,以及後續工作進度的控管也是一個重點問題,只有在跨向國際進軍的那一刻,才瞭解真正的困難所在。 讓我們的團隊為您效力,以夥伴的身分最有效率地為您處理國際的相關事宜,讓您更有效的與時俱進,致力於產品和服務品質的盡善盡美。

Traditionally, when a business starts expanding into the international market, it requires a whole team of marketers, a content production team, and an international sales team. Having all these people on payroll definitely comes at a hefty price. Outsourcing tasks to trustworthy professionals from different companies is no simple task either.

While there might be other marketing-based organizations around, only Kabbout International is based in Taiwan with the technical savvy to bring you into the world market. Many rely on trading companies or big brands when attempting to do business internationally, and they think they don’t have any choice.

Kabbout International is the solution! Our well-rounded team of global marketing and sales professionals are at your service. Let us worry about and handle the marketing and sales, so you can focus on perfecting your products and services.